The Constitution of Kenya 2010 recognises the Bill of Rights with notable emphasis on devolution of political, administrative

power and resources. Health services have been devolved at the county government with a view to create a robust health system that is responsive to various population health needs. The Constitution provides that at least 15 percent (15%) of the national revenue be allocated to the county governments to fund the devolved functions, including health – even though there is debate in the public space as to whether this percentage share needs to be increased.

County level health systems continue to face challenges that have far reaching effects on citizen’s access to essential health services[1]. Health sector remains a major beneficiary of the national and county budgets despite potential gaps in the procurement procedures which continue to pose significant threats to the provision of these essential rights. This has led to inadequate health supplies, poor service delivery among others.

The essence of the study was to critically analyse government health procurement procedures using Kakamega as a case County with a view to unearth the direct effect of lapses in procurement systems on access to health services, and suggest actions that will contribute to improvements in the quality and access of basic health services.

The overall purpose of the study was to;

  • Critically analyse public procurement policies including other related policies and legislations on procurement and disbursement process
  • Analyse actual health funds received against actual/total health expenditure
  • Examine challenges faced by health facilities in Kakamega as result of procurement procedures.
  • Propose simplified health procurement procedure guide for effective procurement and disbursement of health supplies.

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